So I have set up hibernate with Wildfly and MySql.
Querying works, but have problem querying UTF-8 character names.
On MySql:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE firstname = "ნიკა";
Doesn't result in empty set.
While in java:
Session session = HibernateUtils.getSession();
String name = request.getParameter("name");
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<UsersEntity> query = builder.createQuery(UsersEntity.class);
Root<UsersEntity> usersRoot = query.from(UsersEntity.class);
.where(builder.equal(usersRoot.get("firstname"), name));
List<UsersEntity> list = session.createQuery(query).list();
writeUsers(list, response.getWriter());
Results in an empty set when querying localhost:8080/main?name=ნიკა
How do I fix this ?
I also have issue that when querying all data and displaying them non english characters are replaced with question marks.
This code results in showing up question marks on browser:
response.getWriter().write("ნიკა ჩხარტიშვილი");
While this one works properly:
response.getWriter().write("ნიკა ჩხარტიშვილი");
When querying database with this query SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='ნიკა'
database receives question marks instead of ნიკა
(That's what shows up in wireshark).
I think it's wildfly issue because it received UTF-8 correctly but sends question marks unless it's specified to send UTF-8.
I fixed it.
First connection to client wasn't UTF-8
Fixed it with:
This works for one servlet though.
Updated wildfly standalone.xml
configuration file to
<servlet-container name="default" default-encoding="UTF-8">
Added default-encoding
property to servlet-container
, now every response will have default UTF-8
JDBC Communication wasn't UTF-8
Fixed with updating connection.url
, appended
at the end.
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cnick?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8</property>
When last time I did this I thought it didn't work because what I was querying wasn't in the database. Now it's working.