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Adding xmllite.lib to Visual Studio 2008

I'm trying to compile an Intel Appup sample program 'SlideshowexampleApplication', which requires Xmllite.lib. I searched and see that I'm supposed to add this file to the linker options in Visual Studio 2008, but I don't see the linker option under Project properties->Configuration properties. I tried adding 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include' as an Additional Include Directory, but I'm still getting a compile error.

Build started: Project: PicasaExampleComponent, Configuration: Debug Win32
Creating library...

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'XMLLite\lib\XmlLite.lib'

Here is the example project:


  • It sounds like the sample app is using a relative path for the library file, prepending XMLLite\Lib to the library filename.

    This could be happening as a result of a #pragma in the sample app code, can you run findstr on the source code to see if there are any references to XmlLite.lib? for info on #pragma as it is used in this way.

    EDIT: Actually the projects in this sample are set up to reference an XmlLite that is installed with the sample code:

    G:\SlideshowExample>findstr /si xmllite.lib . PicasaExampleComponent\PicasaExampleComponent.vcproj: AdditionalDependencies="XMLLite\lib\XmlLite.lib" PicasaExampleComponent\PicasaExampleComponent.vcproj: AdditionalDependencies="XMLLite\lib\XmlLite.lib" PicasaExampleComponent\PicasaExampleComponent.vcxproj: XMLLite\lib\XmlLite.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) PicasaExampleComponent\PicasaExampleComponent.vcxproj: XMLLite\lib\XmlLite.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)

    You can either use that one or get the one you have installed with the SDK properly included.