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Convert Pojo Components to EJB3

I tried to use an extended PersistenceContext in a component by adding

    EntityManager entityManager;

In order to use this Seam forces me to delcare the component as a Stateful Session Bean (SFSB). To meet the requirements I have to create an interface for SFSB's methods even the methods declared in EntityHome<E> and Home<E> is this the right (Seam) way?


  • From a Seam point-of-view, it's OK using the extended PersistenceContext. You can also read these two references for pros and cons of using it: When do I use @In vs @PersistenceContext to inject an EntityManager? and
    EntityManager injection: @PersistenceContext or @In ??

    Since Home<E> is conversation scoped, I would try to benefit from that scope to get an extended persistence context. Although, using an extended PersistenceContext is fine, the conversation scope this is definitely more the 'Seam-way'. However, since I'm not aware of what you want to accomplish, the conversation-scope might not be approperiate...