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When one check column is selected how to make the user not to select other check columns in EXTJS grid panel

enter image description hereI have a grid panel which includes 4 check columns.

Three of the columns need to act like radio options; when the user checks one column they should not be able to check the other two columns.

The fourth column should be independent and unaffected by the other three.

I am using ExtJs version 5.1

Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyGridPanel', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.mygridpanel',

    requires: [

    controller: 'mygridpanel',
    viewModel: {
        type: 'mygridpanel'
    height: 250,
    width: 400,
    title: 'My Grid Panel',

    columns: [
            xtype: 'checkcolumn',
            dataIndex: 'string',
            text: 'String'
            xtype: 'checkcolumn',
            dataIndex: 'number',
            text: 'Number',
            listeners: {
                checkchange: 'onCheckcolumnCheckChange'
            xtype: 'checkcolumn',
            dataIndex: 'date',
            text: 'Date'
            xtype: 'checkcolumn',
            dataIndex: 'bool',
            text: 'Boolean'


  • I don't think you can disable, and what you probably mean is uncheck?

    If so you seem to be half way there, I would use listeners on your check columns e.g.

    See it in action here:

        var gridHeader = column.up();
            if(checked && col.xtype==='checkcolumn'&&col!==column){

    If you want to only do this to certain check columns you can always check the dataIndex aswell:

        var gridHeader = column.up();
            if(checked && checked.dataIndex!='other' && col.xtype==='checkcolumn'&&col!==column){

    A nicer way to do this (particularly if you want have several additional check columns that are not unset when others are checked) would be to add a custom property to your columns and then check this.

        xtype: 'checkcolumn',
        dataIndex: 'date',
        text: 'Date',
        checkgroup: 'threecols',
        listeners: {
            checkchange: 'onCheckcolumnCheckChange'

    Note checkgroup is not a standard config/property - but you can set custom properties this way (as long as they don't clash with real ones)

    Then in your onCheckcolumnCheckChange method you can check this:

    if (checked && col.checkgroup && col.checkgroup === column.checkgroup && col.xtype === 'checkcolumn' && col !== column) {
        record.set(col.dataIndex, false);

    An additional bonus of this approach would make it easy to have multiple sets of checkboxes, where you set different 'checkgroup' values.