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How to resolve dependencies for a project using AngularJS and RequireJS?

I have a simple AngularJS application which I am trying to refactor to use RequireJS.

Since controllers and services are loaded async, I can't use ng-app in my index.html.

Following is my main.js

    paths: {
        "angular": '../../bower_components/angular/angular',
        "angularCookies": '../../bower_components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies'
    shim: {
        angular: {
            exports: "angular"
        angularCookies : {
            deps: ["angular"]

require(['angular', './login/js/login'],
    function (angular) {
        angular.bootstrap(document, ['loginApp']);

My login.js is where I am defining an angular module. Following is my login.js

'use strict';
    function(angular, angularCookies, loginController) {
    angular.module('loginApp', [
            function($cookiesProvider) {
              $cookiesProvider.defaults.path = '/';
              $cookiesProvider.defaults.domain = 'localhost';
            function($cookies, loginService) {


As seen, it is dependent on loginController and loginController is dependent on loginService.

My loginService is defined as --

"use strict";


    function (angular, angularCookies) {

        var loginService = angular.module('loginApp')
            .factory('loginService', [
                function ($http, $cookies) {

                    // My functions and other code here.

        return loginService;

With this configuration I am getting an error - Module 'loginApp' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

What am I missing here? What configuration do I need to do to make it right?


  • I see a couple of problems. First the app shouldn't be created inside login. The app is the base of all controllers and services.

    So I would move the app creation to another file called app.js.

    Then in my require config:

    shim: {
        'app': {
            deps: ['angular', 'angular-route', 'angularCookies']
        angularCookies : {
            deps: ["angular"]


            angular.bootstrap(document, ['loginApp']);

    And then your controller would be:

     define(['loginApp'], function(app)