I want to access map key and compare to value that contains or not.
//The Attribute class contains one map in the form of key and multiple values
public class Attribute {
private Map<String, List<String>> mapAttribute;
public Map<String, List<String>> getMapAttribute() {
return mapAttribute;
public void setMapAttribute(Map<String, List<String>> mapAttribute) {
this.mapAttribute = mapAttribute;
public class DroolsMain {
public static Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
public static void main(String[] args) throws DroolsParserException, IOException {
Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
List<String> listSubject = new ArrayList<String>();
map.put("Subject", listSubject);
List<String> listFrom = new ArrayList<String>();
listFrom.add("Sathish Kumar");
map.put("From", listFrom);
rule "Get Subject key: with particular value"
attribute : Attribute($mapAttribute : mapAttribute)
//I want to compare value of **"Subject"**
List( this.contains( "email1")) from $mapAttribute.get("Subject")
System.out.println("Rule run successfully Getting key with particular value");
I didn't get the value in Rule.drl. It shows not match any rule. so please help to find the value.
The list contains "email1" and "email2" but you are checking for "email".
But the rule would have to be written as
rule "Get Subject key: with particular value"
attribute : Attribute($mapAttribute : mapAttribute)
$values : String( this == "email1" ) from $mapAttribute.get("Subject")
then ... end
If the result of a 'from' is a List, it is automagically unravelled. This is useful, but occasionally surprising. (What if you need the entire list?)