Search code examples

How can I effectively reset a state using @ngrx/store?

I seem to have gotten stuck on this matter for the last couple of days.

We're working on an Angular 2 application, and I need to create a wizard for users to fill out a form.

I've successfully managed to make the data flow through each step of the wizard, and save it in order to freely move back and forth. However, I can't seem to be able to reset it once the form is submitted.

I should add that each component is behind a wall. Maybe a better solution would be a singleton service injected directly at the AppModule. But I can't seem to make it work.

Here's my code so far:

Step 1

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { EventOption } from '../../../events/shared/event-option.model';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { NewEventService } from '../shared/new-event.service';
import { Event } from '../../../events/shared/event.model';
import { FriendService } from '../../../friends/shared/friend.service';

  selector: 'app-upload-images',
  templateUrl: './upload-images.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['../../../events/new-event/new-event.component.css']
export class UploadImagesComponent implements OnInit {
  form: FormGroup;
  private event;
  private images = [];

    private _store: Store<any>,
    private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    private router: Router,
    private newEventService: NewEventService,
    private friendService: FriendService
  ) {'newEvent').subscribe(newEvent => {
      this.event = newEvent;

  ngOnInit() {
    if (this.event.counter === 0) {
      let friends = this.friendService.getFriends('58aaf6304fabf427e0acc08d');
      for (let friend in friends) {

  initForm(event: Event) {
    this.images.push({ imageUrl: 'test0', voteCount: 0 });
    this.images.push({ imageUrl: 'test1', voteCount: 0 });
    this.images.push({ imageUrl: 'test2', voteCount: 0 });
    this.images.push({ imageUrl: 'test3', voteCount: 0 });
    this.form ={
      firstImage: [this.event.length > 0 ? this.event.eventOption[0].imageUrl : null],
      secondImage: [this.event.length > 0 ? this.event.eventOption[1].imageUrl : null],
      thirdImage: [this.event.length > 0 ? this.event.eventOption[2].imageUrl : null],
      fourthImage: [this.event.length > 0 ? this.event.eventOption[3].imageUrl : null],

  next() {
    this.event.eventOptions = this.images;


Step 2

import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { EventOption } from '../../../events/shared/event-option.model';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Event } from '../../shared/event.model';
import { NewEventService } from '../shared/new-event.service';
import { FriendService } from '../../../friends/shared/friend.service';
import { SearchPipe } from '../../../core/search.pipe';

  selector: 'app-choose-friends',
  templateUrl: './choose-friends.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['../../../events/new-event/new-event.component.css', './choose-friends.component.css']
export class ChooseFriendsComponent implements OnInit {

  private searchTerm = '';
  private event;
  private friends = [];
  private friendsError = false;

    private _store: Store<any>,
    private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    private router: Router,
    private newEventService: NewEventService,
    private friendService: FriendService
  ) {'newEvent').subscribe(newEvent => {
      this.event = newEvent;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.friends = this.friendService.getFriends('58aaf6304fabf427e0acc08d');

  selectedFriend(friendId: string) {
    return this.friendService.selectedFriend(friendId, this.event.userIds);

  toggleFriend(friendId: string) {
    return this.friendService.toggleFriend(friendId, this.event.userIds);

  toggleAllFriends() {
    return this.friendService.toggleAllFriends(this.friends, this.event.userIds);

  submit() {
    if (this.event.userIds.length > 0) {
    } else {
      this.friendsError = true;

  back() {


Event Service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Store, Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Event } from '../../../events/shared/event.model';
import { EventOption } from '../../../events/shared/event-option.model';
import { newEvent, newEventModel } from './new-event.reducer';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/take';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/find';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';

export class NewEventService {
  public newEvent$: Observable<newEventModel>;

  constructor(private store: Store<newEventModel>) {
    this.newEvent$ ='newEvent');

  getEvent(event) {
      type: 'GET_EVENT',
      payload: event

  updateEvent(event) {
      type: 'UPDATE_EVENT',
      payload: event

  resetEvent() {
      type: 'RESET_EVENT',


Event Reducer

import { EventOption } from '../../shared/event-option.model';
import { EventType } from '../../shared/event-type.model';
import { ActionReducer, Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Event } from '../../shared/event.model';
import { FriendService } from '../../../friends/shared/friend.service';

export interface newEventModel {
  eventOptions: EventOption[];
  eventTypeId: number,
  duration: number,
  comment: string,
  privacyId: number,
  isGlobal: boolean,
  id: string,
  userIds: string[],
  counter: number

let blankState: newEventModel = {
  eventOptions: [],
  eventTypeId: null,
  duration: 1440,
  comment: '',
  privacyId: 0,
  isGlobal: false,
  id: '',
  userIds: [],
  counter: 0

let initialState: newEventModel = {
  eventOptions: [],
  eventTypeId: null,
  duration: 1440,
  comment: '',
  privacyId: 0,
  isGlobal: false,
  id: '',
  userIds: [],
  counter: 0

export const newEvent: ActionReducer<newEventModel> = (state: newEventModel = initialState, action: Action) => {
  // return new state
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'GET_EVENT':
      return state;
    case 'UPDATE_EVENT':
      action.payload.counter = action.payload.counter + 1;
      return action.payload;
    case 'RESET_EVENT':
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        eventOptions: [],
        eventTypeId: null,
        duration: 1440,
        comment: '',
        privacyId: 0,
        isGlobal: false,
        id: '',
        userIds: [],
        counter: 0
      return state;

I could provide a working plunkr if needed, but I need to create it first.

TLDR: How can I reset the state on @ngrx/store?

Thanks for any help provided!


  • You can reset the state to initialState in your reducer by using Object.assign to copy all properties of initialState to a new object.

    export const newEvent: ActionReducer<newEventModel> = (state: newEventModel = initialState, action: Action) => {
      // return new state
      switch (action.type) {
        // ...
        case 'RESET_EVENT':
          return Object.assign({}, initialState);
        // ...

    A note on the reducer

    The reducer should be a pure function, so should not modify the arguments. Your UPDATE_EVENT requires a little tweak:

    case 'UPDATE_EVENT':
      let counter = { counter: action.payload.counter + 1 };
      return Object.assign({}, action.payload, counter);

    The pattern to follow is Object.assign({}, source1, source2, ...) where source1, source2 etc contain properties to be assigned. Properties in source1 are overwritten by duplicate properties in source2 etc.