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Simultaneously Output and show the result in R

I'm wondering if it would be possible to both show a cat(...) in the console (Rstudio) "AND ALSO" save the file in .txt format?

Here is my R code:

   SOS = 33
    df = 12

  cat("\n","-------------", "\n" ,"SOS  ","  df","\n", "-------------","\n",
       SOS,"    ",df,"\n", "-------------", file = "Output.txt" )


  • SOS = 33
    df = 12
    #prepare your output
    x = paste("\n","-------------", "\n" ,"SOS "," df","\n", "-------------","\n",
                                        SOS," ",df,"\n", "-------------", sep = "")
    #display in console
    #SOS  df
    #33 12
    #Write to a txt file
    cat(x, file = "output.txt")