I'm learning Java and Drools so that i can edit an existing codebase, I've encountered some syntax i believe is simply assigning a variable/object but i'm uncertain and i'd appreciate some clarity and insight before i incorrectly apply and rely on it.
RULE "Rule1"
result : Result()
policy : Policy()
logger.info("Running Rule1");
It's the "xxx : xxx()" bit i'm uncertain about.. i try searching, but i end up with static declaration etc
is it the same as "xxx = new xxx();" or "xxx : xxx();" ?
My previous coding experience is with PHP and C#, thanks.
A pattern element is the most important Conditional Element. It can potentially match on each fact that is inserted in the working memory.
A pattern contains of zero or more constraints and has an optional pattern binding.
[patternBinding :] pattern type ( [ constraints ] )
In its simplest form, with no constraints, a pattern matches against a fact of the given type. In the following case the type is Person, which means that the pattern will match against all Person objects in the Working Memory:
For referring to the matched object, use a pattern binding variable such as $p. (The '$' is not mandatory, just a convention.)
$p: Person()
A property can be bound to a variable:
Person( $firstAge : age ) // binding
Just note that "binding" isn't "assigning"; a "binding variable" isn't a "variable" as it is known in C# or PHP.