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Is it safe to call Screen.hide() after Screen.dispose() in LibGDX?

In libgdx, screen.setScreen() doesn't call dispose automatically right. Inside a overridden setScreen, do I have to call screen.dispose first and then call super.setScreen or call the later first? I know this may seem like duplicate question but still I wanted to know because super.setScreen calls screen.hide. Is calling hide after dispose run-time safe? Is it a bad practice? I am making a 3D game based on this and this example . Here I am extending GameName class by Game and trying to override setScreen so as to call dispose if screen is not null and then call super.setScreen .


  • screen.dispose() is never called by LibGDX. You must do it manually yourself before dropping the reference to your screen. If you don't plan to reuse the Screen instance, having screen.hide() call screen.dispose() is the perfect place to do it.

    screen.hide() is never called in response to Android events.

    I don't recommend overriding game.setScreen() to dispose of screens unless you know for sure you never want to reuse any screen instances. In most simple games, you do want to reuse them rather than waste time unloading and reloading assets repeatedly.