This is baffling. It is such a simple thing, but I'm not able to get it to work. I am adding an input field to the form on a button click (originally). At this point I'm just trying to see any value in the view (hence the simple p tag)
<span>Add secondary field</span>
<md-button class="md-fab md-mini" ng-click="vm.addVals()">
<i class="material-icons">add</i>
<div ng-if="moreVal">
<div data-ng-repeat="vl in valHolder.valArr track by $index">
<p>My Value: {{vl.myVal}}</p>
function EditFormController($scope, $sanitize, ngToast) {
var vm = this;
vm.addVals = addVals;
$scope.valHolder= {valArr: []};
function addVals(){
var ln = $scope.valHolder.valArr.length;
$scope.valHolder.valArr.push({myVal: 'Test'+ln});
$scope.moreVal = true;
I have checked that valArr is being populated with new myVal values on button click. But I cannot see anything in the View. the ng-repeat div is empty. Why is this happening? I have been searching for a solution all day now, but this is so absurd no one seems to have this issue. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. I would really appreciate an answer.
Write below code in your controller:
var self = this;
self.valHolder= {valArr: []};
function addVal(){
var ln = self.valHolder.valArr.length;
self.valHolder.valArr.push({myVal: 'Test'+ln});
self.moreVal = true;
Write in your HTML like below:
<div ng-if="moreVal">
<div data-ng-repeat="vl in vm.valHolder.valArr track by $index">
<p>My Value: {{vl.myVal}}</p>