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Listen changes on page using JxBrowser

In Java project I use JxBrowser.

I have page

<!DOCTYPE html>

Start: <input type="text" id="startTimeField"> ms
<button id="buttonToClick" onclick="myFunction()">Start</button>

    function myFunction() {
       document.getElementById('startTimeField').value = new Date().getMilliseconds();


I load page correct with JxBrowser.

When button "Start" is clicked, then value of the text input is setted.

I want add listener using JxBrowser object in Java to listen startTimeField text input changes.

Ex: startTimeField is setted by 0, after click Start button the field change value (by actual ms time) and I want detect this changes in Java code and get the value of change.


  • Since the question basically asks how to listen to events in the DOM in Java, I think this is what you are looking for:

    JxBrowser - DOM Events

    You will have to do something similar to this (in your Java code):

    DOMElement element = browser.getDocument().findElement("startTimeField"));
    element.addEventListener(DOMEventType.OnChange, new DOMEventListener() {
        public void handleEvent(DOMEvent event) {
            // your code for reacting to the change here
    }, false);

    I did not test this code but adapted it from the documentation, so it might not compile and work right away, but this should lead you on the right track.