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ElephantBird ERROR 1070: --- > class not getting read

My problem is similar to this unanswered question :


i have registered all jars mandatory for elephantbird to function.

REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.1
REGISTER '/MyJARS/json-simple-1.1.jar';
REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-pig-4.1.jar';
REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-core-4.10.jar';
REGISTER '/MyJARS/google-collections-1.0.jar';

following links tell me these info : 1 : Loading data from HDFS does not work with Elephantbird

2 : how to load twitter data from hdfs using pig?

My current versions :
Hadoop: Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.7.3
Pig: Apache Pig version 0.12.0-cdh5.7.3 (rexported) 

I receive following error :

ERROR 1070: Could not resolve com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader using imports: [, java.lang., org.apache.pig.builtin., org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.]

Any help is appreciated , I tried almost all possible solutions across web.


  • This was an versioning problem. After trying many jars from this link , it finally worked with elephant-bird-pig-4.14.jar

    REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.1
    REGISTER '/MyJARS/json-simple-1.1.jar';
    REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-pig-4.14.jar';
    REGISTER '/MyJARS/elephant-bird-core-4.10.jar';
    REGISTER '/MyJARS/google-collections-1.0.jar';