New user to emacs. Loaded a config file that contains the code below. Now everytime I want to quit emacs, it says "Thou shall not quit!"
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-c") (bind (message "Thou shall not quit!")))
(after 'evil
(defadvice evil-quit (around dotemacs activate)
(message "Thou shall not quit!"))
(defadvice evil-quit-all (around dotemacs activate)
(message "Thou shall not quit!")))
Here is the link to the config file. enter link description here
So in general, you have a standard Emacs binding which has been clobbered, and you don't know how to do the thing it used to do?
To find out the default binding, you can start up a second Emacs instance without your init file, by running emacs -Q
and then check that binding with C-hkC-xC-c
That will tell you:
C-x C-c runs the command save-buffers-kill-terminal
With that knowledge, you can return to your original Emacs instance and either do this to run that command manually:
RETor restore the global binding:
RET C-xC-c save-buffers-kill-terminal