I would like to calculate a few summary statistics and the one sample ttest p value for various groups in a dataframe.
I was able to obtain the mean, max, min, count etc., but could not get the pvalue
Here is the code that worked with out the one sample ttest
data(armd0, package = "nlmeU")
df <- armd0 %>%
group_by(treat.f, time.f) %>%
summarise_each(funs(mean, median, min, max, length, sd), visual)
I would like to obtain the output of t.test$p.value in the same table.
Thank you for your help!
For a one sample t-test that the mean of the group is not 0, you can use t.test
directly in funs
, pulling out the p-value with dollar sign notation. You'll need to give the new column a nicer name, though.
summarise_each(funs(mean, median, min, max, length, sd, pvalue = t.test(.)$p.value), visual)