I am trying to understand, for what reasons does the yield family of functions require that class be default constructible?
In the following example, the vnums1 line compiles only if CNum has a default constructor. The vnums2 line does not require a default constructor.
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and Range-V3-VS2015. Thank you!
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
struct CNum
// CNum() = default;
explicit CNum(int num) : m_num(num) {}
int m_num;
int main()
auto ints = ranges::view::ints(0, 10);
// this compiles only of CNum has a default constructor
auto vnums1 = ints
| ranges::view::for_each([](int num) { return ranges::yield_if(num % 2, CNum(num)); })
| ranges::to_vector;
// this compiles even if CNum does not have a default constructor
auto vnums2 = ints
| ranges::view::remove_if([](int num) { return num % 2 == 0; })
| ranges::view::transform([](int num) { return CNum(num); })
| ranges::to_vector;
return 0;
We just changed the code to not require DefaultConstructible. git pull and enjoy.