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"api design for c++": c++ pimple access

I'm trying to understand a pimple example from the "api design for c++" book (page 70).

// autotimer.h
class AutoTimer
    explicit AutoTimer(const std::string &name);
    // allow access from other classes/functions in autotimer.cpp
    class Impl;
    Impl* mImpl;

From the text and example I would assume thats possible to access members of AutoTimer::Impl from free functions declared in autotimer.cpp like free_f() in the example below.

// autotimer.cpp
class AutoTimer::Impl
    std::string s;

void free_f(AutoTimer a){
    std::cout << a.mImpl->s << std::endl;

However, I can't get this to work. Sadly the book doesn’t give any further details. So, how can I fix free_f() to get access to the private members of Impl?

To be me more explicit, the comment (and first example)

// allow access from other classes/functions in autotimer.cpp

is straight from the book "api design for c++" and I want to know what it means.


  • This is untested but should be legal C++ if your object is of standard layout type:

    void free_f(AutoTimer a){
        Impl* tmp = *reinterpret_cast<Impl**>(&a);
        std::cout << tmp->s << std::endl;

    And since you work with with Pimpl you should pass references or pointers of type AutoTimer. Otherwise a temporary object will destroy your implementation object on destruction.