I have a Spring Websocket Stomp controller that handles SEND messages (similarly to https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/) :
public void handlePong(IncomingModel model) {...}
It works fine if my IncomingModel can be deserializes behind-the-scenes correctly.
If it is however not the case, I receive something like
2017-02-21 11:24:31.935 ERROR 12536 --- [nboundChannel-3] .WebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler :
Unhandled exception from message handler method
Could not read JSON: Can not deserialize value of type java.lang.Long from String "2017-02-21T09:24:31.917Z": not a valid Long value
How I can capture this error in my code and handle it? I suppose the case is the same as with REST controllers.
You can put @MessageExceptionHandler(MessageConversionException.class)
annotation on method to handle MessageConversionException
. Or annotation @MessageExceptionHandler()
without parameters to handle any exception.