I built a Kubernete cluster in local data center. There are 4 nodes and 1 master. Looking for a L4 loadbalance solution for internal service.
root@niubi01:/home/mesos# kubectl get nodes
niubi01 Ready,master 7d
niubi02 Ready 7d
niubi03 Ready 7d
niubi04 Ready 7d
niubi05 Ready 7d
Assume we have three Pods with 'hello world' web service. A service with exposed External IP is created with 'NodePort'. The external IP is 'Nodes' and port is 30145.
root@niubi01:/home/mesos# kubectl get service
example-service <nodes> 8080:30145/TCP 6d
As the document mentioned, we can access any node IP to access this 'hello world' service. Like:
curl http://niubi01:30145
curl http://niubi02:30145
curl http://niubi03:30145
curl http://niubi04:30145
curl http://niubi05:30145
from outside. The problem is we can't guarantee any node is active forever, even master. Which URL should we take to use? How to do a LoadBalance like Haproxy to provide high availability to this service? Should we have another server provide loadbalance sevice between these 5 addresses? Seeking for any better solution for this case.
As you already have noticed, you would have to setup a custom loadbalancer to make this work. This loadbalancer must be external to your cluster and configured by yourself.
I would suggest that you read through the concepts of Ingress
and ingress-controller
. Especially the nginx-ingress-controller is very useful here.
The advantage would be that you would only have to set up your custom external loadbalancer only once and not for all services you'd like to expose. Your loadbalancer should balance traffic to the ingress controller, which will then do the internal load balancing based on the provided Ingress
To deploy the ingress controller, it should be enough to do the following:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress/master/examples/deployment/nginx/default-backend.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress/master/examples/deployment/nginx/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml
The first line creates a default-backend
which is used for all unmatched ingresses. It basically just returns 404
The second line creates a Deployment
with 1 replica by default. In a prod environment, you may want to change the replica count either by scaling the Deployment or by using a local modified copy of the nginx-ingress-controller.yaml
file. Also, I'd advise to use dedicated nodes (by using DaemonSet+NodeAffinity+Taints+Tolerations) for the ingress-controller in case you expect a lot of traffic.
The ingress-controller now runs without being exposed. I assume that exposing the controller is not part of the examples as this varies too much depending on the infrastructure in use. In your case, you should create a Kubernetes Service
that exposes the ingress-controller as NodePort
by deploying this resource:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx-ingres-controller-svc
name: nginx-ingres-controller-svc
namespace: kube-system
type: NodePort
- port: 80
nodePort: 30080
name: http
- port: 443
nodePort: 30443
name: https
k8s-app: nginx-ingress-controller
Please note that the nodePort
is explicitly specified here. This makes life easier when you configure your external loadbalancer.
After all this is set-up, you can create Ingress
resources to direct external traffic into your internal services. For example:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: example-ingress
- host: example.company.org
- path: /
serviceName: example-service
servicePort: 8080
If you have your data centers DNS setup to resolve example.company.org
to the external load balancer, calling it will bring you directly to the example-service
All this probably sounds more complicated then just using a NodePort and changing configuration of the external loadbalancer for new services. But if it is set-up once, configuration and automation are simplified a lot. It also gives a ton of new features which would have to be implemented manually otherwise. For example, the nginx-ingress-controller natively supports basic auth by simply adding an annotation to the Ingress
resource. It also supports letsencrypt when used in combination with kube-lego
. As said in the beginning, you should read the documentation regarding ingress to figure out what it brings for free.