I have the following code by which I am reading when a graphic is being moved (scaling and rotation use similar code).
//Obtaining the graphic before it is moved
moveToolbar.on("graphic-move-start", function (evt) {
oldGraphicMove = evt.graphic;
//Updating the graphic on move end
moveToolbar.on("graphic-move-stop", function (evt) {
//Creating the operation to add to the undomanager
var operation = new Update({
featureLayer: evt.graphic._graphicsLayer, //The layer that will contain the modified graphic
preUpdatedGraphics: [oldGraphicMove], //The graphic before the changes are created
postUpdatedGraphics: [evt.graphic] //The graphic after the changes are made
//Adding the undo/redo operation
//Updating the graphic
evt.graphic._graphicsLayer.applyEdits(null, [evt.graphic], null);
For some reason the old graphic before is always staying equal to the new graphic after so when the operation is added there is nothing to undo/redo as the graphic is marked as equal before and after.
I have no idea what I might be doing wrong, any clues about this?
Apparently the oldGraphicMove variable on the start of editing was being overwritten by the evt.graphic from the editing end. This was resolved by creating a new graphic with the specifications of the graphic before it was edited rather than assigning the graphic directly to the variable :
//Obtaining the graphic before it is scaled
moveToolbar.on("scale-first-move", function (evt) {
oldGraphicScale = new esri.Graphic(evt.graphic.geometry,evt.graphic.symbol,evt.graphic.attributes);
//Updating the graphic on scale end
moveToolbar.on("scale-stop", function (evt) {
newGraphicScale = new esri.Graphic(evt.graphic.geometry, evt.graphic.symbol, evt.graphic.attributes);
//Creating the operation to add to the undomanager
var operation = new Update({
featureLayer: evt.graphic._graphicsLayer, //The layer that will contain the modified graphic
preUpdatedGraphics: [oldGraphicScale], //The graphic before the changes are created
postUpdatedGraphics: [newGraphicScale] //The graphic after the changes are made
//Adding the undo/redo operation
//Updating the graphic
evt.graphic._graphicsLayer.applyEdits(null, [evt.graphic], null);
There are still a few issues with undoing/redoing movement, however this method works for undoing/redoing scale and rotation.