I have an owl file having owl/xml syntax. I want to add a new tag in this file for making a plugin but when I make changes in the OWL file, parse Exception is thrown in Java.
1st image is the original owl file.
2nd image is the file in which I added a tag but Protege as well as Java cannot parse this file.
Adding a new tag means changing the language specification. This requires you to provide a parser that can fit into Protégé - I.e., an OWLAPI OWLParser implementation.
This is a fairly complex task. Your best bet is to check out the owlapi code from GitHub and use its implementation as a blueprint to build your own.
On top of that, your tag will need to fit in the owl 2 model, otherwise your parser will not be able to pass the information to protégé.
What is the purpose of your new tag?