I'm trying to calculate the sum of arrays with a dynamic name in Javascript. Here's an example of my code:
var sum = [];
var totalPrice = 0;
//For each unique category
for (var i = 0; i < uniqueCategoryNames.length; i++) {
//Create a new array for each unique category
sum[i] = new Array();
//Loop through each item with the class name of the unique category
$('.' + uniqueCategoryNames[i]).each(function () {
//Push the trimmed price in the array that matches the category
sum[i].push(Number($(this).text().replace('€', '').replace(' ', '').replace(',','.')));
for (var x = 0; x < sum[i].length; x++){
totalPrice += sum[i][x];
To sketch an image of my situation: I have a shopping cart in which there are various items within 2 different categories. I want to know what the subtotal of each item of a specific category is.
So imagine I've got 2 items that are both $5 in a category called tops and 3 items that are all $12 in a category called pants. In this case the sum needs to calculate that I have a total of $10 in my tops category and a total of $36 in my pants category.
I'm stuck on the part where I calculate the sum on all of my arrays. I'm trying to do that here:
for (var x = 0; x < sum[i].length; x++){
totalPrice += sum[i][x];
How do I calculate the sum over each one of my dynamically created arrays?
How about this :
let totalPrice = 0;
let subTotals = {};
//For each unique category
for (let i = 0; i < uniqueCategoryNames.length; i++) {
let subTotalCurrentCategory = 0;
//Loop through each item with the class name of the unique category
$('.' + uniqueCategoryNames[i]).each(function() {
//Add the current price to the subTotal
let currentPrice = parseFloat($(this).text().replace(/[€\s]+/g, '').replace(',', '.'));
if(isNaN(currentPrice) || currentPrice < 0 ) {
/* can be more checks above, like $(this).text().indexOf('€') == -1 */
throw new Error("Something wrong on calculating the total");
subTotalCurrentCategory += currentPrice;
// Store the current cat subtotal
subTotals[uniqueCategoryNames[i]] = subTotalCurrentCategory;
// Add the current subTotal to total
totalPrice += subTotalCurrentCategory;
totalPrice: totalPrice,
subTotals: subTotal
Btw. You can remove the both € and space (may also others) using one regex.