I'm using log4j 2 for logging and want to turn off the log messages from the library itself, e.g.:
2017-02-20 07:36:38,160 main DEBUG Took 0.001600 seconds to load 0 plugins from package org.apache.logging.log4j.test
I got the following in my log4j2.XML
file but I still get DEBUG
messages like the one above:
<Logger name="org.apache.logging" level="error" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT" />
This question is not a duplicate of Disabling Log4J Output in Java because I don't want to turn off all output, only the output from the log4j 2 library itself. So I still want my code to generate log output.
You can control the internal logging Log4j2 prints to the console with the status
attribute at the top of the configuration file.
I would recommend that you switch off the verbose debug
-level logging but keep the warn
and error
level logging so you get informed when something goes wrong.
To do this, change the beginning of the configuration file to this:
<Configuration status="WARN">