What I'd like to do is intelligently pre-set a buffer-local default value for the string argument to the compile
Right now compile.el defaults to using "make" as the command. I can set this by setting compile-command
. I can even make that variable buffer-local. That works if I want the same static value, always.
But I'd like to intelligently select the compile-command
depending on the contents of the buffer, the name of the buffer, the contents of the containing directory of the file (if any), and the phase of the moon. Basically I want control over the default value, and then allow the interactive user to override that pre-set value.
I was hoping to do this with before-advice. But this isn't working as I expected.
Reading the advice.el file, I see
Suppose a function/macro/subr/special-form has N pieces of before advice, M pieces of around advice and K pieces of after advice. Assuming none of the advices is protected, its advised definition will look like this (body-form indices correspond to the position of the respective advice in that advice class):
([macro] lambda <arglist>
[ [<advised-docstring>] [(interactive ...)] ]
(let (ad-return-value)
(setq ad-return-value
<apply original definition to <arglist>>)
What this says to me is that when the advised function is interactive, `call-interactively' invokes the interactive form before invoking the before advice, or any advice.
And, when I add advice to compile
, the behavior I observe confirms this. The advice gets invoked after the interactive form is processed. The interactive form suggests the string to use for compilation, before my advice gets a chance to guess at what it should be, and to pre-set it.
for any buffer?Ideas appreciated.
Ahh, you know what I did? I used an oblique strategy.
I have globally set C-xC-e to compile
. Instead of using advice, I defined a function that wraps compile
, and then bound C-xC-e to that. Within the wrapper, I make the guess for the compile command.
(defun cheeso-invoke-compile-interactively ()
"fn to wrap the `compile' function. This simply
checks to see if `compile-command' has been previously guessed, and
if not, invokes `cheeso-guess-compile-command' to set the value.
Then it invokes the `compile' function, interactively."
((not (boundp 'cheeso-local-compile-command-has-been-set))
(set (make-local-variable 'cheeso-local-compile-command-has-been-set) t)))
;; local compile command has now been set
(call-interactively 'compile))
And the guess function is like this:
(defun cheeso-guess-compile-command ()
"set `compile-command' intelligently depending on the
current buffer, or the contents of the current directory."
(set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
((or (file-expand-wildcards "*.csproj" t)
(file-expand-wildcards "*.vcproj" t)
(file-expand-wildcards "*.vbproj" t)
(file-expand-wildcards "*.shfbproj" t)
(file-expand-wildcards "*.sln" t))
"msbuild ")
;; sometimes, not sure why, the buffer-file-name is
;; not set. Can use it only if set.
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
;; editing a .wxs (WIX Soluition) file
((string-equal (substring buffer-file-name -4) ".wxs")
(concat "nmake "
;; (substring buffer-file-name 0 -4) ;; includes full path
(file-name-sans-extension filename)
".msi" ))
;; a javascript file - run jslint
((string-equal (substring buffer-file-name -3) ".js")
(concat (getenv "windir")
"\\system32\\cscript.exe c:\\cheeso\\bin\\jslint-for-wsh.js "
;; something else - do a typical .exe build
(concat "nmake "
(file-name-sans-extension filename)
"nmake "))))