I am looking for a way to create and include a single script which will house all my Google Analytics event tracking code. There are various points in my application where I want to be able to track clicks and interaction and I would like to be able to have all these functions in a single file.
My problem is I can't find a suitable way of doing that with RequireJS, which my site uses.
This is an example of what I would have. I'd like to target an anchor with a class of resend
and trigger a GA event.
<a href="http://www.crmpicco.co.uk/resend.php" class="resend">Resend</a>
Sure that is simple enough, but I don't want to have to require a module everywhere I want to do event tracking. Is this necessary or is there a clearer/cleaner way to do it? I should point out I don't want to include Google Analytics as there are many tutorials on how to do that and I am already doing that through the traditional way of having it in the footer - it's only GA event tracking code I want to include.
This is my requireJS config.js:
require = {
baseUrl: '/assets/js',
paths: {
// Amcharts.
'amcharts': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/amcharts',
'amcharts.funnel': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/funnel',
'amcharts.gauge': '/assets/vendor/amcharts/dist/amcharts/gauge',
bootstrap: '/assets/vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min',
jquery: '/assets/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.min',
jstz: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jstimezonedetect/1.0.4/jstz.min',
pwstrength: '/assets/vendor/pwstrength-bootstrap/dist/pwstrength-bootstrap-1.2.7.min',
shim: {
'amcharts.funnel': {
deps: [ 'amcharts' ],
exports: 'AmCharts',
init: function() {
AmCharts.isReady = true;
'amcharts.gauge': {
deps: [ 'amcharts' ],
exports: 'AmCharts',
init: function() {
AmCharts.isReady = true;
pwstrength: {
deps: [
bootstrap: {
deps: [
// Apply the urlArgs here for cache busting.
require.urlArgs = requireBase.urlArgs;
This is how I ended up configuring my RequireJS config.js
require = {
baseUrl: '/assets/js',
paths: {
'gaEventTracking': '/assets/src/js/crmpicco/gaEventTracking',
shim: {
'gaEventTracking': {
deps: [
// Apply the urlArgs here for cache busting.
require.urlArgs = requireBase.urlArgs;
There then exists a gaEventTracking.js
in the /assets/src/js/crmpicco