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Angular 1 custom directive not executing

I have my directive defined as follows:

'use strict;'


.directive('afterLast', ['$ocLazyLoad','$timeout',function($ocLazyLoad, $timeout){
    console.log('entered directive');
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, elem, attr){
            if (scope.$last === true){
                console.log('entered directive')
                    $ocLazyLoad.load(['some files'])   

And, I am using it as an attribute as follows:

<div ng-repeat="topicObject in module.topics track by $index" afterLast>

  <div class="ft-section">

    <div ng-repeat="learningPointObject in topicObject.learningPoints track by $index">
        <div class="ft-page">
            <h2 class="module-name" style="text-align: center;">{{ | capitalize:true}}</h2>
            <h3 class="topic-name">{{ | capitalize:true}}</h3>
            <h4>{{ | capitalize}}</h4>



But my directive is not executing. Even the console.log statements inside and outside the link function are not working. 1. Am I using directives the correct way? 2. If yes, what could be the reasons for it not working?


  • In the HTML the directive name needs to be in kebab-case, not camelCase.

     <!-- ERRONEOUS camelCase
     <div ng-repeat="topicObject in module.topics track by $index" afterLast>
     <!-- USE kebab-case -->
     <div ng-repeat="topicObject in module.topics track by $index" after-last>

    For more information, see AngularJS Developer Guide - Directive Normalization