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Hex Dump EXE File

How do I properly display the contents of an EXE file "C:/Path/To/File.exe" in hexadecimal form? So far, I have:

byte[] BytArr = File.ReadAllBytes("C:/Path/To/File.exe")

I tried using a switch statement (not shown here) that reads every few bytes and should output the appropriate hexadecimal code, but it failed. What should I do? I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me.

Beware that the answer code isn't well formatted and is rather inefficient (source:, but I did make an effort to format it properly. Answer Code:

    using System.Text;

    namespace HexDump  
        class Utils
            public static string HexDump(byte[] bytes, int bytesPerLine = 16)
                if (bytes == null) return "<null>";
                int bytesLength = bytes.Length;

                char[] HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF".ToCharArray();

                int firstHexColumn =
              8                   // 8 characters for the address
            + 3;                  // 3 spaces

                int firstCharColumn = firstHexColumn
            + bytesPerLine * 3       // - 2 digit for the hexadecimal value and 1 space
            + (bytesPerLine - 1) / 8 // - 1 extra space every 8 characters from the 9th
            + 2;                  // 2 spaces 

                int lineLength = firstCharColumn
            + bytesPerLine           // - characters to show the ascii value
            + Environment.NewLine.Length; // Carriage return and line feed (should normally be 2)

                char[] line = (new String(' ', lineLength - Environment.NewLine.Length) + Environment.NewLine).ToCharArray();
                int expectedLines = (bytesLength + bytesPerLine - 1) / bytesPerLine;
                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(expectedLines * lineLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < bytesLength; i += bytesPerLine)
                    line[0] = HexChars[(i >> 28) & 0xF];
                    line[1] = HexChars[(i >> 24) & 0xF];
                    line[2] = HexChars[(i >> 20) & 0xF];
                    line[3] = HexChars[(i >> 16) & 0xF];
                    line[4] = HexChars[(i >> 12) & 0xF];
                    line[5] = HexChars[(i >> 8) & 0xF];
                    line[6] = HexChars[(i >> 4) & 0xF];
                    line[7] = HexChars[(i >> 0) & 0xF];

                    int hexColumn = firstHexColumn;
                    int charColumn = firstCharColumn;

                    for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerLine; j++)
                        if (j > 0 && (j & 7) == 0) hexColumn++;
                        if (i + j >= bytesLength)
                            line[hexColumn] = ' ';
                            line[hexColumn + 1] = ' ';
                            line[charColumn] = ' ';
                            byte b = bytes[i + j];
                            line[hexColumn] = HexChars[(b >> 4) & 0xF];
                            line[hexColumn + 1] = HexChars[b & 0xF];
                            line[charColumn] = (b < 32 ? '·' : (char)b);
                        hexColumn += 3;
                return result.ToString();


  • Here's some simple code that will lump the bytes 4 at a time(step) with a space delimiter(delimiter):

    int step = 4;
    string delimiter = " ";
    for(int i = 0; i < BytArr.Length;i += step)
        for(int j = 0; j < step; j++)
            Console.Write(BytArr[i + j].ToString("X2"));