I have the following situation:
Two EJB's implementing the same interface
public class EjbOne implements InterfaceOne {
public class EjbTwo implements InterfaceOne {
I want to inject a specific EJB into a third class
public class EjbThree {
@EJB(...???...mappedName="theOne"? name=...? )
private EjbOne ejbOne;
How should I do this? (Mind, I'm using @EJB, not @Inject with a @Qualifier)
You are referencing concrete class private EjbOne ejbOne;
There is no alternative. You are not using interface at all instead you should reference like this if you want use good old polymorphism @EJB private InterfaceOne ejbOne
then your question will make sense, what you can do is:
a. @EJB(beanName="EjbOne") private InterfaceOne ejbOne
b. @EJB(lookup ="jndi-address") private InterfaceOne ejbOne
c. @EJB(mappedName="vendor-specific-address") private InterfaceOne ejbOne
d. @EJB(name="java:comp/env like logical name") private InterfaceOne ejbOne