this is the input code:
Title: <input type="text" ref="searchTitle" onChange={this.searchTitle}/>
this is the onChange event handler:
searchTitle(event) {
show_article_editable_list: <Article_Editable_List articleTitle={}/>,
this is the subscribe method with the event value from previous code:
export default createContainer( (props) => {
const articleTitle = props.articleTitle;
Meteor.subscribe('search_results', articleTitle);
return { articles: Articles.find({}).fetch() };
}, Article_Editable_List);
this is where the publish method that gets arguments from the subscription:
Meteor.publish('search_results', function (articleTitle) {
if(articleTitle) {
return Articles.find({articleTitle});
this is the collection code with an index:
export const Articles = new Mongo.Collection('articles');
if(Meteor.isServer) {
articleTitle: "text",
this is the where to display the search results:
render() {
return ( (article) => {
const dateCreated = article.createdAt.toString();
const dateUpdated = article.updatedAt.toString();
return (
<div key={article._id} className="article_list_editable">
this is the error that needs to be solve
Error: Article_Editable_List.render(): A valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.
It's look like you need to wrap map in some wrapper like
render() {
return (
<div>{ (article) => {
const dateCreated = article.createdAt.toString();
const dateUpdated = article.updatedAt.toString();
return (
<div key={article._id} className="article_list_editable">
Because map return array, but you can return only single component, not array.