I want to write a test against a search with date. I am thinking of a test code something like
assertThat(repository.findByBookingDateAfter(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 1))).extracting("bookingDate").are(...));
where the class structure is something like the followings:
public class Booking{
LocalDate bookingDate;
Because the query is on any bookings after a given date, my test shall check the field indeed later than the date. After some online search, I don't see any useful information. I am wondering whether I am on the right track or not.
Any suggestions?
Later, I change the dependency setup is the followings in the build.gradle file:
exclude group: 'org.assertj'
testCompile group: 'org.assertj', name: 'assertj-core', version: '3.6.2'
to have the latest version of assertj.
Update 2:
The following is a screenshot of any methods starting with "is". The "isAfter" isn't on the list.
I would use allMatch
or allSatisfy
assertions to check that every extracted date is after the one used in the query.
// set the extracted type to chain LocalDate assertion
assertThat(result).extracting("bookingDate", LocalDate.class)
.allMatch(localDate -> localDate.isAfter(queryDate)));
// use a lambda to extract the LocalDate to chain LocalDate assertion
.allSatisfy(localDate -> assertThat(localDate).isAfter(queryDate));
you get a better error message with the second assertion, it will show the faulty date.