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Grouping Legends in Pie Chart with Highcharts

I have a pie chart that has a single series with all the data it shows, this data has objects of two types, source and destiny. By default the legends that appear are of each object name, but I need that the legends group the objects by type, source objects between them and destiny objects between them. I saw something similar in this post: Grouping Legends in Highcharts but it does not work for pie charts, I need that same thing but it works with pie charts. I'm using highcharts 4.2.6 .

Here is my pie chart with all its legends, I need show only two legends, one for blue section and the other one for light-blue section.

There is an example of my series object:

  "id": "Group11App36",
  "data": [
      "name": "",
      "y": 2158959,
      "origin": "destiny",
      "color": "#195580"
      "name": "",
      "y": 46442,
      "origin": "destiny",
      "color": "#195580"
      "name": "",
      "y": 462724,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 133774,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 111039,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 69530,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 66338,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 64559,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 57293,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 53450,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 44372,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 43556,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 36618,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 35831,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 35316,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 34151,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 33135,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 32885,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 31926,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"
      "name": "",
      "y": 31816,
      "origin": "source",
      "color": "#8fbbda"

Thanks in advance!


  • i don't think its possible without a custom legends

    here is an example (with custom legends)

    var data = [{ "name": "", "y": 2158959, "origin": "destiny", "color": "#195580" }, { "name": "", "y": 46442, "origin": "destiny", "color": "#195580" }, { "name": "", "y": 462724, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 133774, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 111039, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 69530, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 66338, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 64559, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 57293, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 53450, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 44372, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 43556, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 36618, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 35831, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 35316, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 34151, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 33135, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 32885, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 31926, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }, { "name": "", "y": 31816, "origin": "source", "color": "#8fbbda" }];
    Highcharts.chart('container', {
      chart: {
        plotBackgroundColor: null,
        plotBorderWidth: null,
        plotShadow: false,
        type: 'pie'
      title: {
        text: 'Banyantmaya out'
      tooltip: {
        pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
      plotOptions: {
        pie: {
          allowPointSelect: true,
          cursor: 'pointer',
          dataLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            formatter: function () {
              return '<b>' + + '</b>: ' + this.percentage.toFixed(2) + ' %';
          showInLegend: false
      series: [{
        colorByPoint: true,
        data: data
    }, function(chart) {
      $legend = $('#customLegend');
      var types = chart.series[0].data.reduce((arr, {origin, color}, i) => {
        var obj = arr.find(o => o.origin === origin);
        if (obj) obj.indexes.push(i);
        else arr.push({ origin, color, indexes: [i] });
        return arr;
      }, []);
      types.forEach(type => {
        $legend.append('<label class="serieLabel" data-name="' + type.origin + '"><span class="symbol" style="background-color:' + type.color + '"></span><span class="name">' + type.origin + '</span></label>');
      $('#customLegend .serieLabel').click(function() {
        var indexes = types.find(t => t.origin ===;
        indexes.forEach((inx, i) => {
          var point = chart.series[0].data[inx];
          point.setVisible(!point.visible, i === indexes.length - 1);
    div#customLegend { background-color: #fff; text-align: center; padding-bottom: 20px; }
    .symbol { width: 12px; height: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; display: inline-block; }
    .name { margin: 0 20px 0 10px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-bottom; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; }
    .serieLabel { cursor: pointer; text-transform: capitalize; }
    .serieLabel.hide { opacity: 0.2; }
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="container"></div>
    <div id="customLegend"></div>