i am having a platform where every user creates a profile and has to insert his personal info into a DB.One of this is the nationality ,that is being inserted by an HTML drop list (with 100+ countries) when the user is creating his profile for the first time.
<select name="nationality" id="nationality" >
<option value="0" label="Select a country ... " >Select a country ... </option>
When the user is loging back in to his profile , i want this dropdown list to have his nationality option marked as ''selected'' .
Nationality's value is into a $_Session , when all data are being selected when he logs in .
The most easy way to do this is by using a php code inside every option value like this
<option value="GR" label="Greece" <?php if(($_SESSION['nationality'])=='GR') echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>Greece</option>
But i can't do this with every option from a list of 300+ countries.I want this to be done by Javascript . I've tried many things but i can't sort it out Thank you in advance
If the session name of the country is the same as the value of the country from the selection list, this should work.
var country = '<?php echo $_SESSION["country"]; ?>';
if(country !== ''){
document.getElementById("nationality").value = country;