I have a cell currently with the value:
17-FEB-2017 00:00:00.KH420.NR.....SO51641.21-FEB-2017.
Between each '.', there is a perceived value that needs extracted and put into a column.
I need to extract the 'SO516141' value using standard excel functions as well as the 21-Feb-2017 using standard excel functions.
Currently for the '17-FEB-2017' value, I have the formula =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(".",A2,1)-1)
And for the 'KH420' value, I have the formula: =MID(A2, SEARCH(".",A2) + 1, SEARCH(".",A2,SEARCH(".",A2)+1) - SEARCH(".",A2) - 1)
I cannot figure out how to extract the last two values. I do not want to extract the values by using this type of method - Example (=LEFT(RIGHT(A2,20),7))
You can try this:
EDIT: Use these consolidated versions to get the two values: =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,".",REPT(" ",199)),499),199)," ","")
=SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,".",REPT(" ",199)),499),299)," ","")