First, I'm sorry if code is sloppy or wrong. I am having a hard time with c++.
I am trying to create a customer from a file and save each customer as the object customer and store each of the variables.
I have successfully been able to open and read the file save the words to a vector. I now need to create a customer and save the information.
My Question is - Now that I have a vector with all of the information how would I create a new customer and store the first item in vector as fName, second as lName, and the third as acctNumber. The 4th item in the vector would be a new customer saving as their fName and so on.
An example of the text file I am using is below.
Michael Jackson 1
George Jones 2
Brittany Spears 3
Goal: Above file would instantiate 3 customers and set each of their fName, lName and acctNumber for later use.
class CustomerType {
CustomerType(string f, string l, int a);
string fName;
string lName;
int acctNumber;
videoType chkdOut;
CustomerType::CustomerType(string f, string l, int a) {
fName = f;
lName = l;
acctNumber = a;
void createCustomer() {
vector<string> myVector;
ifstream myfile;"custDat.txt");
if (myfile.is_open())
while (!myfile.eof())
string tempString;
getline(myfile, tempString);
istringstream iss(tempString);
string word;
while (iss >> word) {
cout << "Can't open file" << endl;
First, add a constructor to your customer class, which will take the information required:
class customerType {
customerType( string firstName, string lastName, int accountNumber );
string fName;
string lName;
int acctNumber;
videoType chkdOut;
The constructor will be defined in this way:
customerType( string firstName, string lastName, int accountNumber )
fName = firstName;
lName = lastName;
acctNumber = accountNumber;
You have to create a method to split a string with a character, in order to obtain the different information from each line:
vector<string> split( string line, char c )
const char *str = line.c_str();
vector<string> result;
const char *begin = str;
while ( *str != c && *str )
result.push_back( string( begin, str ) );
while ( 0 != *str++ );
return result;
Then, in the method to create a customer, you can create a the new object using that constructor, and then return the vector with the customers:
vector<customerType> createCustomer() {
// create a vector of customers:
vector<customerType> customers;
vector<string> myVector;
ifstream myfile;"custDat.txt");
if (myfile.is_open())
while (!myfile.eof())
string tempString;
getline(myfile, tempString);
// Here you get a vector with each work in the line
vector<string> splittedString = split(tempString, ' ');
//Finally here you create a new customer
customers.push_back(customerType(splittedString[0], splittedString[1], stoi(splittedString[2])));
cout << "Can't open file" << endl;
return customers;
Sorry, I changed the way you store the words.
The stoi
function converts the string to an integer.