The following code is taken from the Perl 6 documentation, and I am trying to learn more about it before more experimentation:
proto token command {*}
token command:sym<create> { <sym> }
token command:sym<retrieve> { <sym> }
token command:sym<update> { <sym> }
token command:sym<delete> { <sym> }
Is the *
in the first line a whatever-star? Can it be something else, such as
proto token command { /give me an apple/ }
Can "sym" be something else, such as
command:eat<apple> { <eat> } ?
tells the runtime to call the correct candidate.
Rather than force you to write {{*}}
for the common case of just call the correct one, the compiler allows you to shorten it to just {*}
That is the case for all proto
routines like sub
, method
, regex
, token
, and rule
In the case of the regex
proto routines, only a bare {*}
is allowed.
The main reason is probably because no-one has really come up with a good way to make it work sensibly in the regex sub-language.
So here is an example of a proto sub
that does some things that are common to all of the candidates.
#! /usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
for @*ARGS { $_ = '--stdin' when '-' }
# find out the number of bytes
proto sub MAIN (|) {
try {
# {*} calls the correct multi
# then we get the number of elems from its result
# and try to say it
say {*}.elems # <-------------
# if {*} returns a Failure note the error message to $*ERR
or note $!.message;
#| the number of bytes on the clipboard
multi sub MAIN () {
#| the number of bytes in a file
multi sub MAIN ( Str $filename ){
#| the number of bytes from stdin
multi sub MAIN ( Bool :stdin($)! ){
sub xclip () {
run( «xclip -o», :out )
.out.slurp-rest( :bin, :close );