I'm trying to convert the following logic into a UIMA Ruta Rule:
Sentence {->NewAnnotation}
IF Sentence.part1
contains Constituent.label="VB"
AND Sentence.part2
contains Constituent.label="VBZ"
In other words, I need to create a new annotation out of the entire Sentence and whose feature part1(and part2) contains combinations/a sequence of specific posTags (Constituent.label).
At first, an intuitive answer for me was to use the CONTAINS
condition along with a STRINGLIST
(and config parameters) in the following manner:
STRINGLIST posList; //assuming it is declared
Sentence{-> NewAnnotation} <-{Sentence.part1{CONTAINS(posList, Constituent.label)};};
But it doesn't produce any annotations(yet it doesn't fail).
Then I considered the GETFEATURE
action by storing the Sentence
) in a string variable and using it separately(in the main rule). However, since GETFEATURE
saves the feature in a STRING
format so I cannot use it to produce annotations (since I need ANNOTATION
type). Same happens with MATCHEDTEXT
I understand the rule a want to build is quite complex but I believe Ruta is the most suitable option for such tasks. So, can you please suggest me any ideas of how to deal with my problem?
As @PeterKluegl already stated, the solution to the original question would be:
Sentence{-> NewAnnotation} <-{Sentence.part1<-{Constituent.label=="VB";} %
Mind that this rule would work only if the Sentence
features (i.e part1
) are annotations and not strings as it is in my case.
So, for potential interested people, I post also the solution approached in my case:
features in separate annotations but keeping the link between the Sentence.part1
and its parent Sentence
(this is possible in UIMA via parent pointers).Apply the following rule:
String rutaRule = "STRING id;"
+ "STRING part1Id;"
+ "STRING part2Id;"
+ "Sentence{->GETFEATURE(\"matchId\", id)};"
+ "part1{->GETFEATURE(\"parent\", part1Id)};"
+ "part2{->GETFEATURE(\"parent\", part2Id)};"
+ "Sentence{AND(IF(id == part1Id), IF(id == part2Id))-> NewAnnotation} <-"
+ "{part1<-{Constituent.label == \"VBD\";} % "
+ "part2<-{Constituent.label == \"MD\" # Constituent.label == \"VBN\";};};";
Hope this can be of any help.