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How to extract field content in powershell

  • History: I'm making a Powershell script in order to create user from a defined table containing list of users and put them in a defined OrganizationalUnit.

  • Problem: At the end of the script, I'd like to have a report in order to list whether or not there is one or many user account disabled amoung newly created account

In my script, I have to input a password for each user, but I may enter a password that won't meet the password policy defined in Active Directory; in this case, the account will be created but disabled.

To proceed, I tried :

dsquery user "ou=sp,dc=mydomain,dc=local" -disabled

and it print me this :

  • My goal : I'd like to extract in a variable the values in "CN" field in order to compare them to the inital user table in my script.

    dsquery user "dc=mydomain,dc=local" -disabled | where-object {$_.CN -ne $null}


dsquery user "dc=mydomain,dc=local" -disabled | where-object {$_.Common-Name -ne $null}

But it didn't help (doesn't work). How can I proceed please?


  • It's not tested - just "from my mind"

    $csvData = Import-Csv 'UserList.csv' -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8
    $userList = dsquery user "ou=sp,dc=mydomain,dc=local" -disabled
    $listOfDisabledAccounts = @()
    foreach ($user in $userList)
        if ($csvData.Name -contains (($user -split ',')[0] -replace 'CN=',''))
            $listOfDisabledAccounts += $csvData.Name