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XPath to count elements and compare the count to an integer (XSD 1.1)?

Here's a sketch of my XML file:

<file recordCount="n">
    <record/> <!-- ...etc... -->

I made the XML Schema (version 1.1) assert on the file element that the @recordCount (a positive integer) must equal the calculated number of record elements contained in file.

Here's the best I could come up with:

test="count(record) eq @recordCount"

This is currently failing the test XML file whatever I put in @recordCount (given a nonZeroInteger) and however many (valid) record elements I have...

I assume I'm missing something really basic here like a node path or the type of the 2 variables to compare in the test?

Possibly related: XSD 1.1 Assert to Count and Compare Elements


  • This XPath is correct. It's now behaving as expected in the IDE. If I learn why it was not validating correctly I'll update the question.