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Remove a DIV with a delay Javascript

this is my first question so forgive me if I don't apply the correct etiquette.

I have a javascript function that hides a div with a fade.

function fadeOut(cloudChatHide)
    "use strict";
    cloudChatHide.onclick = function()
                cloudChatHide.className = '';
                cloudChatHide.className = 'fadeout';

However this code doesn't remove the DIV which is the RemoveCloudChat Function. Which looks like this:-

function RemoveCloudChat()
    "use strict";
    cloudChatHide.className ='fadeout';

What I really want to do is fade the div automatically after a few seconds and then REMOVE it.

The reason I need to REMOVE the div from the window is that its an overlaid div and I need to access the content underneath the 'cloudChatHide' div.

Any help / instruction wouild be gratefully received as I am not the greatest Javascript developer.



  • If you could use JQuery, it will really simple, see following:

      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script src=""></script>
      <div class="fadeout">I'LL DISAPPEAR IN 3 SECONDS</div>
        function fadeOut()
            $(".fadeout").fadeToggle(500, "swing",function(){
        var delay = 3000; //3 seconds
        setTimeout(fadeOut, delay);

    When the fade action is completed the div will be removed. I hope it helps you, bye.