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ItemTpl onclick function call extjs 6

how do i call a onclick function on dataview,

itemTpl: [
'<a onClick="this.getViewController().somefunction({id},{code});" href="#">{code}</a><br/>',

and in viewController

somefunction: function(){
// some logic

gives the error of

this.getViewController() is not a function

NOTE: that i don't wan't to do because i have many ViewControllers and i cannot put all my logic to a centeral contoller


  • If you really want to bind a click function in itemTpl, you need to specify functions accessible in the template like this:

    // Save 'this' scope to me variable for use in XTemplate scope
    var me = this;
    // ...
    itemTpl: [
        '<a onClick="this.someFunction();" href="#">{code}</a><br/>',
        // Defining funtions accessible in the XTemplate
            someFunction: function() {
                // Use 'me' here, because 'this' is XTemplate

    But if at all possible, I would use click listener on the item instead, like so:

    // Save 'this' scope to me variable for use in the item scope
    var me = this;
    // ...
    itemConfig: {
        listeners: {
            click: function() {
                // Use 'me' here, because 'this' is the item

    I usually work in ExtJS 4 and got this just from the ExtJS 6 documentation, so please excuse any mistakes I made and correct me, so that I can edit the answer.