I was trying to display desktop notifications on my website.As per this documentation here, I can provide a URL to the icon image.But my website is using font awesome icons, therefore I do not have a URL for icons.Any help or alternatives will be appreciated
function spawnNotification(theBody,theIcon,theTitle) {
var options = {
body: theBody,
icon: theIcon //this should be a URL can I provide an icon class of a text content?
var n = new Notification(theTitle,options);
Fontawesome icons does come in png, you can directly use a URL to the icon image. You can host your images on your server
function spawnNotification(theBody,theIcon,theTitle) {
var options = {
body: theBody,
icon: 'http://yourdomain.com/icons/icon.png'
var n = new Notification(theTitle,options);
For more info about the icons refer here