I use grunt-contrib-pug to compile my .pug files from src/ and distribute the corresponding .html files to dist/. Here is my pug-task config (written in .coffee):
options: pretty: false
files: [ {
expand: true
cwd: 'src/'
src: [ '**/*.pug', '!includes/**' ]
dest: 'dist/'
ext: '.html'
} ]
When I delete a .pug file from src/, is there any way to synchronize delete corresponding html files in dist/? I know you can use grunt-contrib-clean followed by compiling the pug files again, but this is not time efficient when working with a large codebase.
As referenced by I-LOVE-2-REVIVE, I looked further into Grunt's file API, and on that basis, this is the solution I came up with:
grunt.event.on 'watch', (action, filepath, target) ->
if action == 'deleted' && /pug/.test(filepath)
file = 'dist' + filepath.slice(3, -3) + 'html'
grunt.file.delete file
# Log deleted files
grunt.log.write '\n' + filepath + ' deleted > ' + file + ' deleted.\n'
It works great!