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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined'

First: Sorry, I know, this question has been asked a million times. And I know this is a human error that I'm probably missing a bindStatement somewhere down the line. Can you help me find it?

I'm having the following problem with PDO and prepared statements.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' in /home/midelive/public_html/creapizza/model/temaHelper.php:64 Stack trace: #0

That is the error message. It happens for two methods on the same class, and its driving me nuts

code N1:

  public function create(tema $t, $idUser){
    $pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE]=PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;  ///username, Pass, DB
$conn= new PDO($this->connection,$this->admin,$this->pass,$pdo_options);

    $stmt=$conn->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO tema  (idUsuario, tipoTema, nombreEmpresa, logo, 
        subtitulo,simbolo1, simbolo2, simbolo3, texto1, texto2, texto3, linkFacebook, Descripcion)
         VALUES (:idUsuario,:tipoTema,:nombreEmpresa,:logo,:subtitulo, :simbolo1, simbolo2, :simbolo3, 
         :texto1, :texto2, :texto3,:linkFacebook,:Descripcion)"));
    $stmt->bindParam(':idUsuario', $idUser);
    $stmt->bindParam(':tipoTema', $tipo);
    $stmt->bindParam(':subtitulo', $subtitulo);

    $statement=$conn->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
return $lastID[0];

Code N2:

public function create(tema $t, $idUser){
    $pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE]=PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;  ///username, Pass, DB
$conn= new PDO($this->connection,$this->admin,$this->pass,$pdo_options);

    $stmt=$conn->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO tema  (idUsuario, tipoTema, nombreEmpresa, logo, subtitulo,simbolo1, simbolo2, simbolo3, 
            texto1, texto2, texto3, linkFacebook, Descripcion) VALUES (:idUsuario , :tipoTema , :nombreEmpresa , :logo , :subtitulo ,
            :simbolo1 , :simbolo2 , :simbolo3 , :texto1 , :texto2 , :texto3 , :linkFacebook , :Descripcion)"));
    $stmt->bindParam(':idUsuario', $idUser);
    $stmt->bindParam(':tipoTema', $tipo);
    $stmt->bindParam(':subtitulo', $subtitulo);

    $statement=$conn->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
return $lastID[0];

I'm going kinda crazy counting over and over the statements and the query. I did a ctrl+F search to check that I did not mispelled any of those, but found nothing.


  • If you cannot manage to make named parameters match, go for positional placeholders. At least to spot an error you will only have to count the question marks.