First: Sorry, I know, this question has been asked a million times. And I know this is a human error that I'm probably missing a bindStatement somewhere down the line. Can you help me find it?
I'm having the following problem with PDO and prepared statements.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' in /home/midelive/public_html/creapizza/model/temaHelper.php:64 Stack trace: #0
That is the error message. It happens for two methods on the same class, and its driving me nuts
code N1:
public function create(tema $t, $idUser){
$pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE]=PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; ///username, Pass, DB
$conn= new PDO($this->connection,$this->admin,$this->pass,$pdo_options);
$stmt=$conn->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO tema (idUsuario, tipoTema, nombreEmpresa, logo,
subtitulo,simbolo1, simbolo2, simbolo3, texto1, texto2, texto3, linkFacebook, Descripcion)
VALUES (:idUsuario,:tipoTema,:nombreEmpresa,:logo,:subtitulo, :simbolo1, simbolo2, :simbolo3,
:texto1, :texto2, :texto3,:linkFacebook,:Descripcion)"));
$stmt->bindParam(':idUsuario', $idUser);
$stmt->bindParam(':tipoTema', $tipo);
$stmt->bindParam(':subtitulo', $subtitulo);
$statement=$conn->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
return $lastID[0];
Code N2:
public function create(tema $t, $idUser){
$pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE]=PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; ///username, Pass, DB
$conn= new PDO($this->connection,$this->admin,$this->pass,$pdo_options);
$stmt=$conn->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO tema (idUsuario, tipoTema, nombreEmpresa, logo, subtitulo,simbolo1, simbolo2, simbolo3,
texto1, texto2, texto3, linkFacebook, Descripcion) VALUES (:idUsuario , :tipoTema , :nombreEmpresa , :logo , :subtitulo ,
:simbolo1 , :simbolo2 , :simbolo3 , :texto1 , :texto2 , :texto3 , :linkFacebook , :Descripcion)"));
$stmt->bindParam(':idUsuario', $idUser);
$stmt->bindParam(':tipoTema', $tipo);
$stmt->bindParam(':subtitulo', $subtitulo);
$statement=$conn->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
return $lastID[0];
I'm going kinda crazy counting over and over the statements and the query. I did a ctrl+F search to check that I did not mispelled any of those, but found nothing.
If you cannot manage to make named parameters match, go for positional placeholders. At least to spot an error you will only have to count the question marks.