I want a help in optimising a solution of a problem, I already sort out the problem, but my code is not good enough for handling large array - codeWars : Sum of Pairs - problem
Here is my code -
var sum_pairs=function(e, sum){
var result=null;
var arrLen=e.length;
for(let i=0;i<arrLen-1;i++){
let nextIndex=e.slice(i+1,arrLen).indexOf(sum-e[i]);
return result;
Well, I know this is not a good solution. Anyway, this passes all the test cases but failed when it encounter large array - Result On codewars
I want to know how to optimise this code, and also Learn any technique to writing a good code.
One solution is to use Set
data structure to memorize the numbers all ready iterated over. Then we can check for each element if there has been a number which sums to s
. The set has an average constant time complexity for insert and search making the algorithm linear in time (and space).
var sum_pairs=function(ints, s){
if (ints.length < 2) return undefined; //not enough numbers for pair.
let intSet = new Set()
for (let i=1; i < ints.length; ++i){
let needed = s-ints[i];
if (intSet.has(needed)){//check if we have already seen the number needed to complete the pair.
return [needed,ints[i]];
intSet.add(ints[i]);//if not insert the number in set and continue.
return undefined;//No answer found