I needed a simple non-blocking static-block-size memory-pool. I didn't find such on the web. So everyone, who needs such a solution. This one is free... only works on Win32.
Best regards,
#include "atomic.hpp"
#include "static_assert.hpp"
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 ) // warning C4311: 'Typumwandlung'
/// @brief Block-free memory-pool implemenation
/// @tparam T Object-type to be saved within the memory-pool.
/// @tparam S Capacy of the memory-pool.
template <typename T, int S>
class MemoryPool
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*), "Well, ...");
/// @brief Object-type saved within the pool.
typedef T TYPE;
/// @brief Capacy of the memory-pool.
/// @brief Chunks, that holds the memory
struct Chunk
/// @brief Single-linked list.
Chunk* Next;
/// @brief The value
/// We do not call the default constructor this way.
char Value[sizeof(TYPE)];
/// @brief The root object.
Chunk* Root;
/// @brief The pool
Chunk Pool[SIZE];
// do not allow copying
MemoryPool(const MemoryPool&);
MemoryPool& operator=(const MemoryPool&);
void free(Chunk* c)
c->Next = Root;
while(!CompareAndSwap((int*)&Root, (int)c->Next, (int)c))
c->Next = Root;
/// Default constructor
/// Creates an empty memory-pool.
/// Invalidates all the memory.
: Root(0)
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
/// @brief Frees a chunk of memory, that was allocated by MemoryPool::malloc
/// @param _Chunk A chunk of memory, that was allocated by MemoryPool::malloc
/// This function will not call the destructor.
/// Thread-safe, non-blocking
void free(T* _Chunk)
Chunk* c = (Chunk*)((int)(_Chunk) - sizeof(Chunk*));
if(c < &Pool[0] || c > &Pool[SIZE - 1])
/// @brief Returns a pointer to a chunk of memory
/// @return 0 on a memory shortage
/// @return A pointer to a chunk of memory
/// This function will not call the constructor.
/// Thread-safe, non-blocking
T* malloc()
Chunk* r = Root;
return 0;
while(!CompareAndSwap((int*)&Root, (int)r, (int)r->Next))
r = Root;
return 0;
return &(r->Value);
#pragma warning( pop )
And the CompareAndSwap
/// @brief Atomic compare and set
/// Atomically compare the value stored at *p with cmpval and if the
/// two values are equal, update the value of *p with newval. Returns
/// zero if the compare failed, nonzero otherwise.
/// @param p Pointer to the target
/// @param cmpval Value as we excpect it
/// @param newval New value
static inline int CompareAndSwap(volatile int *_ptr, int _old, int _new)
__asm {
mov eax, [_old] // place the value of _old to EAX
mov ecx, [_new] // place the value of _new to ECX
mov edx, [_ptr] // place the pointer of _ptr to EDX
lock cmpxchg [edx], ecx // cmpxchg old (EAX) and *ptr ([EDX])
return 1;
The problem with this approach is that there is a race condition in malloc
while(!CompareAndSwap((int*)&Root, (int)r, (int)r->Next))
Consider the following sequence of operations:
Root = A, A->next = B, ...
r = Root
so r = A
and (into a register) it reads ecx = r->Next = B
and free
occur such that A
is used for a while and freed last.Root = A, A->next = ZZZ, ...
and succeeds because Root == r == A
and thus sets Root = ecx = B
You can solve this problem if you have a double-word cmpxchg
, such as cmpxchg8b
. You just include a serial number next to the list head so that if the compare fails if you are interrupted as in (3) above. The free
side can use the narrow version as long as each malloc
both exchanges the pointer and increments the serial number.