I am using angular translate in an Ionic app, and depending upon the language selected in the drop-down, different states need to be loaded.
Main Controller:
.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope, $state, $translate) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.language = 'kn';
ctrl.languages = ['kn', 'en'];
ctrl.updateLanguage = function () {
$scope.lang = function () {
if (ctrl.language = 'kn') {
$state.go('knmenu', {}, { location: "replace", reload: true });
} else($translate.use(ctrl.language)) {
$state.go('menu', {}, { location: "replace", reload: true });
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl as ctrl">
class="button button-block button-balanced"
{{ 'TITLE' | translate }}
ng-options="language | translate for language in ctrl.languages"
In you condition check if (ctrl.language = 'kn')
this is always true, it should be if (ctrl.language == 'kn')
I guess this is the problem. Hope this will help.