I'm creating a project for my internship, and I have some planes moving on a polyline in google maps as shown here.
First I tried to research for a click event when clicking the path symbol but I couldn't find anything because I need a marker. So then I tough when clicking on the polyline, but I can't find anything that works properly and I have almost no experience and that's why I am asking for help.
I have 4 of these and I need an event for each one because the infowindows will be different, I guess...
var GRU = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: [{lat: 38.771183, lng: -9.131135}, {lat: -23.6276104, lng: -46.6568016}], //Lis - GRU
strokeOpacity: 0.1,
icons: [{
icon: planeSymbol,
offset: '0'
map: map
I will appreciate a lot any help you can give to me.
You can add event listener with addListener
var handlePolyClick = function(eventArgs, polyLine) {
// here you can handle the poly
alert('clicked on ' + polyLine.sometitle);
google.maps.event.addListener(GRU, 'click', function(e) {
handlePolyClick(e, this);
Working fiddle is here.
P.S. you can find click's coordinates in e.latLng
property of an event. Example with infowindow here.