Picture as below:
I want to build a software to combine the hosts alert from the same group,i used to develop some batch processing function in PHP to call the zabbix API.So i want to implement that way.
zabbix 3.0 api . It seems what i looking for,but on zabbix 2.x,how to get the last 20 issues,it does not have the method "problem.get".
You linked to the 3.2 documentation, which refactored the event an trigger screens into a problem screen (with the necessary API changes).
You want to use the trigger.get method:
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"filter": {"value": "1"},
"sortfield": "lastchange"
"limit": 20
This is the basic, you would need to select the proper fields and select* properties to get the rest of the data.