I have this parameters form word2vec_matlab, and I want to calculate the cosine similarity distance
wordvecs_norm - Normalized word vectors
word2Index - Map of words to indeces
input - Input word (string)
k - Number of words to return
I tried
word1 = ('king');
word2 = ('queen');
cosine = dot(wordvecs(word1)/ wordvecs_norm(word1), wordvecs(word2)/ wordvecs_norm(word2));
Wikipedia gives this as formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity
I think this translates in MATLAB to:
wv1 = wordvecs(word1)
wv2 = wordvecs(word2)
cosine = dot(wv1,wv2)/ (sqrt(dot(wv1,wv1))*sqrt(dot(wv2,wv2)))
Let me know if it works!