I need pass all child inline styles from to the parent only if there aren't text between parent and child.
<span style="text from style"> <!-- this don't recive the childs' style because there are "cccc" -->
<span style="text from style"> <!-- this span recive the style of his child because there aren't plain text between them -->
<span style="text from style">
i got pass the child styles to parent but i can't check if there are text before of after the tag child
this is my script:
var $padreSpan = jQuery(this); //get the parent span
jQuery(this).find('span').each(function(){ //pass by all span child
var styleChildren = jQuery(this).attr('style'); //get them style
$padreSpan.attr('style', $padreSpan.attr('style')+ ";" + styleChildren+";"); //set style child to parent
); //clear child spans
how can i do?
var parent=$('span');
var children=$(parent).children();
If you remove all child node what remains is text. Hence:
var backup=$(children).remove();
var text=$(parent).text().trim();
var length=text.length;
//it means there is some text here.
//all the removed node are there in the backup
//re insert it anyway you like*